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Course Evaluation

Since 2006, courses at the Osnabrück University have been regularly evaluated by conducting student surveys. For this purpose, the Teaching Evaluation Service Center has been established at the Institute of Psychology.

For regular evaluations, a rotation scheme (see below) was established by the Central Commission for Studies and Teaching on 25 April 2006, according to which three to four Schools are to be evaluated each semester. The grouping of Schools shown was chosen so that the evaluations will reach approximately the same number of students. On the occasion of the merger of the "School of Social Sciences" and the "School of Cultural Studies and Geography" to the " School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences", the rotation scheme was slightly changed on 01.04.2015.

At the beginning of the respective semester, the Teaching Evaluation Service Center will inform the lecturers of the Schools scheduled in the rotation scheme about the evaluation by e-mail. Of course, an evaluation of courses is also possible for lecturers of other Schools.

Rotation scheme valid as of 01.04.2015

Group Semester School
2 SS 2023 School of Physics
School of Biology/Chemistry
School of Mathematics/Computer Science
School of Language and Literary Studies
3 WS 2023/24

School of Educational and Cultural Studies
School of Human Sciences

1 SS 2024 School of Cultural Studies and Geography
School of Economics and Business Administration
School of Law

Rotation scheme valid until 31.03.2015

Group Semester School
1 WS 2013/14 School of Social Sciences
School of Economics and Business Administration
School of Law
2 SS 2014 School of Physics
School of Biology/Chemistry
School of Mathematics/Computer Science
School of Language and Literary Studies
3 WS 2014/15 School of Cultural Studies and Geography
School of Educational and Cultural Studies
School of Human Sciences

Literature on Course Evaluation

Introductory Literature

  • Rindermann, H. (2001). Lehrevaluation. Einführung und Überblick zu Forschung und Praxis der Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation an Hochschulen mit einem Beitrag zur Evaluation computerbasierten Unterrichts. Landau: Verlag Empirische Pädagogik.
  • Spiel, Ch. (2001). Evaluation universitärer Lehre - zwischen Qualitätsmanagement und Selbstzweck. Münster u. A.: Waxmann.


  • Staufenbiel, T. (2000). Fragebogen zur Evaluation von universitären Lehrveranstaltungen durch Studierende und Lehrende. Diagnostica, 46, 169-181.
  • Staufenbiel, T. (2001). Universitätsweite Evaluation von Lehrveranstaltungen in Marburg: Vorgehen, Instrumente, Ergebnisse. In E. Keiner (Hrsg.), Evaluation (in) der Erziehungswissenschaft (S. 43-61). Weinheim: Beltz Verlag.

Bias Variables

  • Beran, T. & Violato, C. (2005). Ratings of university teacher instruction: how much do student and course characteristics really matter? Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 30(6), 593-601.
  • Brockx, B., Spooren, P. & Mortelmons, D. (2011). Taking the grading leniency to the edge. The influence of student, teacher and course characteristics on student evaluations of teaching in higher education. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 23, 289-306.
  • El Hage, N. (1996). Lehrevaluation und studentische Veranstaltungskritik. Projekte, Instrumente und Grundlagen. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie.
  • Staufenbiel, T., Seppelfricke, T. & Rickers, J. (2015). Prädiktoren studentischer Lehrveranstaltungsevaluationen. Diagnostica. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1026/0012-1924/a000142