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Das Fachgebiet ist verantwortlich für die Lehre in folgenden Modulen (VL: Vorlesung):

Im Bachelorstudiengang BSc-Psychologie

  • Modul B-Psy-122: Allgemeine Psychologie II, 8 LPS
    2 Vorlesungen: VL Lernen (im WS) und VL Emotion und Motivation (im SS). Modulprüfung: Klausur

  • Modul B-Psy 123: Biologische Psychologie, 8 LPS
    1 VL (im SS) und 1 Seminar (im WS). Modulprüfung: Klausur.

Im MSc-Studiengang: "MSc Psychologie, Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie"

  • Modul M-Psy 111: Biopsychologie und Psychosomatik / Verhaltensmedizin, 12 LPS
    1 VL Biopsychologie (im WS), 1 VL Psychosomatik/Verhaltensmedizin (im SS) und 1 Seminar Psychosomatik/Verhaltensmedizin und Neuropsychologie (im SS). Modulprüfung: Klausur

  • *Modul M-Psy-114, Studienprojekt und Kolloquium im Klinischen Schwerpunkt, 11 LPS (anteilmäßig beteiligt).


  • Kurs Blockpraktikum Neuroanatomie

    Wir organisieren den 1-wöchigen Blockkurs "Neuroanatomie", der an der Universität Münster durch Prof. Dr. W. Knabe in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit des WS und SS durchgeführt und aus Studienqualitätsmitteln finanziert wird. Der Kurs ist teilnehmerbeschränkt. Bei Überschreiten der Interessentenzahl erfolgt die Platzvergabe im Losverfahren. Weitere Informationen hier.

Nachfolgend finden Sie die Angaben zur Lehre im aktuellen Semester:

     Lehrveranstaltungen Lebenslauf Publikationen

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roman Osinsky

Differentielle Psychologie und Persönlichkeitsforschung

Tel.: +49 541 969-7720

Raum: 75/220
Fachbereich 8: Humanwissenschaften
Lise-Meitner-Straße 3
49076 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: Di 14-15


Sommersemester 2024
Ängstlichkeit und Aggressivität im pädagogischen Kontext
Differentielle Psychologie (V)
DPP Meeting
FB08 Institut für Psychologie - Geschäftsführende Leitung
Forschungskolloquium - Differentielle Psychologie Promotionskolloquium
Runder Tisch Psychologie


2005: Diplom in Psychologie, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg

2005-2010: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Promotion (2009), Abteilung Differentielle Psychologie und Persönlichkeitsforschung, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen

2010-2015: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit, Abteilung für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

2015-2016: Vertretung der Professur für Differentielle Psychologie, Philipps-Universität Marburg

Seit 2016: Professor für Differentielle Psychologie und Persönlichkeitsforschung, Universität Osnabrück


  • Kang, S. & Osinsky, R. 2023). The influence of single-session reward-based attentional bias modification on attentional biases towards threat as measured by the N2pc component. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1279311.
  • Lange, L., Kisker, J., & Osinsky, R. (2023). Midfrontal mechanisms of performance monitoring continuously adapt to incoming information during outcome anticipation. NeuroImage: Reports, 3, Article 100182
  • Schöne, B., Kisker, J., Lange, L., Gruber, T., Sylvester, S., & Osinsky, R. (2023). The reality of Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1093014.
  • Lange, L., Rommerskirchen, L., & Osinsky, R. (2022). Midfrontal theta activity is sensitive to approach-avoidance conflict. Journal of Neuroscience, 42, 7799-7808.
  • Klatt, S.L. & Osinsky, R. (2022). Resilience over grit in the prediction of stress perception. International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, 6, 1-14.
  • Paul, K., Short, C. A., Beauducel, A., Carsten, H. P., Härpfer, K., Hennig, J., Hewig, J., Hildebrandt, A., Kührt, C., Mueller, E. M., Osinsky,  R., Porth, E., Riesel, A., Rodrigues, J., Scheffel, C., Stahl, J., Strobel, A. & Wacker, J. (2022). The methodology and dataset of the Coscience EEG-Personality Project - a large-scale, multi-laboratory project grounded in cooperative forking paths analysis. Personality Science, 3, e7177.
  • Wang, W., Fu, C., Kong, X., Osinsky, R., Hewig, J., & Wang, Y. (2022). Neuro-behavioral dynamic prediction of interpersonal cooperation and aggression. Neuroscience Bulletin, 38, 275-289.
  • Lange, L. & Osinsky, R. (2021). Aiming at ecological validity—Midfrontal theta oscillations in a toy gun shooting task. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54, 8214-8224.
  • Springer, A., Ohlendorf, F., Schober, J., Lange, L., & Osinsky, R. (2021). Do food images as action outcomes evoke a reward positivity? Brain and Cognition, 154, 1-6. 
  • Kisker, J., Lange, L., Flinkenflügel, K., Kaup, M.,  Labersweiler, N., Tetenborg, F., Ott, P., Gundler, C., Gruber, T., Osinsky, R., & Schöne, B. (2021). Authentic fear responses in virtual reality: A mobile EEG study on affective, behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of fear. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2, 716318. 
  • Rommerskirchen, L., Lange, L., & Osinsky, R. (2021). The Reward Positivity reflects the integrated value of temporally threefold-layered decision outcomes. Psychophysiology, 58, e13789.
  • Baumert, A., Buchholz, N., Zinkernagel , A., Clark , P., MacLeod, C., Osinsky, R., & Schmitt, M. (2020). Causal underpinnings of working memory and Stroop interference control: Testing the effects of anodal and cathodal tDCS over the left DLPFC. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 34-48.
  • Reutter, M., Hewig, J., Wieser, M.J., & Osinsky, R. (2019). Attentional bias modification in social anxiety: Effects on the N2pc component. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 120, 103404.
  • Osinsky, R., Holst, K., & Ulrich, N. (2018). When two become one: Electrocortical correlates of the integration of multiple action consequences. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 132, 252-261. 
  • Osinsky, R., Karl, C., & Hewig, J. (2017). Dispositional anxiety and frontal-midline theta: On the modulatory influence of sex and situational threat. Journal of Personality, 85, 300-312.
  • Schmidt, B., Mussel, P., Osinsky, R., Rasch, B., Debener, S., & Hewig, J. (2017). Work first then play: Prior task difficulty increases motivation-related brain responses in a risk game. Biological Psychology, 126, 82-88.  
  • Reutter, M., Hewig, J., Wieser, M., & Osinsky, R. (2017). The N2pc component reliably captures attentional bias in social anxiety. Psychophysiology, 54, 519-527.
  • Osinsky, R., Ulrich, N., Mussel, P., Feser, L., Gunawardena, A., & Hewig, J. (2017). The feedback-related negativity reflects the combination of instantaneous and long-term values of decision outcomes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29, 424-434.
  • Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Bai, L., Lin, C., Osinsky,. R., & Hewig, J. (2017). Ingroup/outgroup membership modulates fairness consideration: neural signatures from ERPs and EEG oscillations. Scientific Reports, 7:39827.
  • Mussel, P., Ulrich, N., Allen, J.J.B, Osinsky, R., Hewig, J. (2016). Patterns of theta oscillation reflect the neural basis for individual differences in epistemic motivation. Scientific Reports, 6:29245.
  • Karl., C., Hewig, J., & Osinsky, R. (2016). Passing faces: Sequence dependent variations in the perceptual processing of emotional faces. Social Neuroscience, 11(5), 531-544.
  • Osinsky, R., Seeger, J., Mussel, P., & Hewig, J. (2016). Face-induced expectancies influence neural mechanisms of performance monitoring. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(2), 261-275.
  • Munk, A.J.L., Wielpütz, C., Osinsky, R., Müller, E.M., Grant, P., & Hennig, J. (2016). Specific reaction patterns to distinct positive emotional cues related to incentive motivation in dependence of the Taq1A-Polymorphism: Molecular genetic associations of early and late event-related potentials. Neuropsychobiology, 73(1), 23-34.
  • Riepl, K., Mussel, P., Osinsky, R., & Hewig, J. (2016). Influences of state and trait affect on behavior, feedback-related negativity, and P3b in the Ultimatum Game. PlosOne, 11, e0146358
  • Hewig, J., Kraus, U., Mussel, P., Osinsky, R., & Paelecke, M. (2015). Personality Assessment. In James Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition). Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Mussel, P., Reiter, A., Osinsky, R., & Hewig, J. (2015). State and trait greed, its impact on risky decision making and underlying neural mechanism. Social Neuroscience, 10, 126-134.
  • Osinsky, R., Wilisz, D., Kim, Y., Karl, C., & Hewig, J. (2014). Does a single session of Attentional Bias Modification influence early neural mechanisms of spatial attention? An ERP study. Psychophysiology, 51(10), 982-989.
  • Osinsky, R., Walter, H., & Hewig, J. (2014). What is and what could have been. An ERP study on counterfactual comparisons. Psychophysiology, 51(8), 773-781.
  • Osinsky, R., Mussel, O., Öhrlein, L., & Hewig, J. (2014). A neural signature of the creation of social evaluation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(6), 731-736.
  • Klucken, T., Alexander, N., Schweckendiek, J., Merz, C.J., Kagerer S., Osinsky, R., Walter, B., Vaitl, D., Hennig, J., Stark, R. (2013). Individual differences in neural correlates of fear conditioning as a function of 5-HTTLPR and stressful life events. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8(3), 318-325.
  • Osinsky, R., Mussel, P., & Hewig, J. (2012). Feedback-related potentials and sequential order of decision outcomes in a gambling task. Psychophysiology, 49(12), 1579-1589.
  • Krieger, K.H, Esch, F.-R., Osinsky, R., & Hennig, J. (2012). Die Aktivierungskraft von Guerilla Produktinszenierungen: Ein Vergleich von Guerilla Marketing und klassischer Plakatwerbung mittels Aktivierungsindikatoren im EEG [Activation power of guerilla product placement: A comparison between Guerilla Marketing and classic poster advertising using activation indices in the EEG].  Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 34(3), 196-212.
  • Alexander, N., Klucken, T., Koppe, G., Osinsky, R., Walter, B., Vaitl, D., Sammer, G., Stark, R., Hennig, J. (2012). Interaction of 5-HTTLPR and environmental adversity: increased amygdala-hypothalamus connectivity as a potential mechanism linking neural and endocrine hyper-reactivity. Biological Psychiatry, 72(1), 49-56.
  • Osinsky, R., Lösch, A., Hennig, J., Alexander, N., & MacLeod, C. (2012). Attentional bias to negative information and 5-HTTLPR genotype interactively predict students emotional reactivity to first University semester. Emotion, 12(3), 460-469.
  • Osinsky, R., Hewig, J., Alexander, N., & Hennig, J. (2012). COMT Val158Met genotype and the common basis of error and conflict monitoring.  Brain Research, 1452, 108-118.
  • Van der Lugt, A.H., Banfield, J.F., Osinsky, R., & Münte, T.F. (2012). Brain potentials show rapid activation of implicit attitudes towards young and old people. Brain Research, 1429, 98-105.
  • Osinsky, R., Gebhardt, H., Alexander, N., & Hennig, J. (2012). Trait anxiety and the dynamics of attentional control. Biological Psychology, 89(1), 252-259.
  • Alexander, N., Osinsky, R., Mueller, E., Schmitz, A., Guentert, S.J., Kuepper, Y., & Hennig, J. (2011). Genetic variants within the dopaminergic system interact to modulate endocrine stress reactivity and recovery. Behavioural Brain Research, 216(1),53-58.
  • Osinsky, R., Alexander, N., Gebhardt, H., & Hennig, J. (2010). Trait anxiety and dynamic adjustments in conflict-processing. Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 10 (3), 372-381.
  • Osinsky, R., Alexander, N., Schmitz, A., Küpper, Y., Müller, E., Beer, L., Köppe, L., & Hennig, J. (2010). Genetic influences on implicit measures of personality. Journal of Individual Differences, 31(3), 115-123.
  • Alexander, N., Osinsky, R., Schmitz, A., Müller, E., Küpper, Y., Hennig, J. (2010). The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism affects HPA-axis reactivity to acute stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35(6),949-953.
  • Küpper, Y., Alexander, N., Osinsky, R., Kozyra, E., Schmitz, E., Netter, P., & Hennig, J. (2010). Aggression - interactions of serotonin and testosterone in healthy men and women. Behavioural Brain Research, 206(1), 93-100.
  • Alexander, N., Küpper, Y., Schmitz, A., Osinsky, R., Kozyra, E., & Hennig, J. (2009) Gene-environment interactions predict cortisol responses after acute stress: implications for the etiology of depression. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34(9), 1294-1303.
  • Osinsky, R., Schmitz, A., Alexander, N., Küpper, Y., Kozyra, E., Hennig, J. (2009). TPH2 gene variation and conflict-processing in a cognitive and an emotional Stroop task. Behavioural Brain Research, 198(2), 404-410.
  • Schmitz, A., Kirsch, P., Reuter, M., Alexander, N., Kozyra, E., Kuepper, Y., Osinsky, R., Hennig, J. (2009). The 5-HT1A C(-1019)G polymorphism, personality and electrodermal reactivity in a reward/punishment paradigm. Int J Neuropsychopharmacology, 12(3), 383-392.
  • Osinsky, R., Reuter, M., Küpper, Y., Schmitz, A., Kozyra, E., Alexander, N., Hennig J. (2008) Variation in the serotonin transporter gene modulates selective attention to threat. Emotion, 8(4), 584-588.